
Showing posts from July, 2022

Adventures With My Tea Muse - NEW MUSE IN TOWN?! Part Two

 (Tea Muse art by Brittany Lewis ) Me: (wide-eyed) Wait . . . you're my NEW Muse? (looking at Tea Muse) But, SHE'S my Muse! Frederica: (calmly sipping her tea) That's true, but now you have a new one. You can have more than one, you know.  Tea Muse: Yeah, homegirl here is all about the tea and I have that quite covered!  Frederica: (looking at her as though she was a child) Oh my dear, hasn't your human started a new hobby? One that she's quite proud of?  Me: (looking at Tea Muse while she looks at me) Ohhhh yeah! The violin! Frederica: Splendid! (teacup disappears) Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, which room is mine? Tea Muse: (hands on her hips) Okay, okay, I get the fact that you're here to represent the violin and all, but there's NO way you're living here!  Frederica: (folds hands in her lap) I see. (purses lips tightly) I feel as though someone might be expressing a bit of the green-eyed monster.  Tea Muse: Matcha? Frederica: (s

Adventures With My Tea Muse - NEW MUSE IN TOWN?! Part One

 (artwork by Brittany Lewis ) A typical Saturday with my Tea Muse: playing jazz records, much laughter, and drinking endless cups of tea at home . . . . UNTIL! DING DONG! Tea Muse and I look at each other, then our eyes focus on the door.  Unknown Voice: (British accent, somewhat snooty yet still fun) Hello? I say, is there anyone in there? Hello? DING DONG! Tea Muse: Uh, are you expecting anyone today? Me: Nope. You? Tea Muse: Nope!  Me: (getting up and opening the door, revealing a woman with pale rose-coloured skin, black hair cut into a bob, and wearing a Tweed skirt, black-framed glasses, thick black clogs, and a black shirt. She's holding a violin case.) Hi! Um, can I help you? Unknown Woman: Oh, it's so WONDERFUL to finally meet you! (sets the case on the floor and then embraces me) So wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! (pulls back and holds me at arm's length) Let me look at you! Ah yes, I can tell we're going to have a grand old time together! Tea Muse: AHEM! (ge

Poetry - Santa Fe

Time slows down here Among the red chiles. The colours are bright and silent. I linger just a little longer Because I am peace. The sounds of the water Mingling with the music from the birds Reminds me to never stop Seeking dreams. Georgia was a goddess.  Viridian Tea Company - Strange and Unusual Tea Blends! Click HERE for the Etsy store!

For The Love of Bookstores - Collected Works Bookstore

  When I first visited New Mexico in 2015, I truly thought that I had dreamt the entire vacation. The state is called The Land of Enchantment for a reason. I did enjoy my vacation and when I returned to Memphis, TN, I remained in that "good feeling" for at least six weeks. Fast forward to now - moving to New Orleans, only to take a chance and move to Colorado. Suddenly, the idea that I could visit New Mexico any time I wanted to became very real. Santa Fe, The City Different, reminds me of New Orleans - two cities that overflow with creativity and also abide by their own rules and ways of life. When my boyfriend suggested that we travel to Santa Fe for our summer vacation, I said YES. I wanted to return and see if perhaps my dream wasn't a dream.  Aside from the food, the history, and the beautiful pueblos, I wanted to return to Santa Fe for the bookstores or rather, one bookstore in particular. Collected Works Bookstore is a charming bookstore and cafe in downtown Santa