Four Years - WARNING of lots of cussing in this post.

Today marks my four year anniversary of moving to Colorado. For many years, I was riddled with doubts and anxiety, combined with a desire to people please, a desire to chase after people and things, and an allowance to be led around by the nose by people who honestly weren't good for me. The shift began in New Orleans, the city that I thought would become my forever home. Turns out I was wrong; it was the place where I would die. Not literally, of course, but metaphorically. I looked around and suddenly, I woke up. I realized that I had been living a lie just to appease others who didn't give two shits about me. I was running on empty and I seemed to like it. I did whatever others told me to do, mostly because I didn't have the balls to say FUCK NO. I told myself - that's enough - and then the true path began. Or rather, the new and improved part of my path began. I removed people from my life. I stopped bad habits. I asked myself - what do I really want? What do I rea...