
Showing posts from June, 2023

An Ode To The Pencil

  A new day has come. Time for me to open my journal, pull out my case of pencils, and write. No matter where I am, I have to have both my case of pencils and my sharpener with me whenever I write longhand. For many years, I devoted my writing to the pen (black and maybe blue at times), yet one day while I was in a botanic garden, I wanted to write something in my journal. The only writing instruments I had on me were pencils. I made sure that they were sharpened and I set to writing. Ever since I moved to Colorado, I've completely given in to the whims of the pencil and I refuse to use a pen unless if pressed. Call me an antiquated woman, but I just adore writing in pencil. What is it about the pencil that makes for such a fascinating writing tool? Well for starters, the modern pencil was invented by Nicholas-Jacques Conte in 1795 while serving as a scientist in Napoleon Bonaparte's army. There's more to pencils than what you received in grade school! Several years ago, I...

Lessons Learned - Damn, I FINALLY Get It

  They always say "Better late than never". So so so true. As I have gotten older, the lessons continue to hit me (softly) across the face. I can't help but laugh at myself when I finally get it. So, here is a list of things that I finally got: When a person SHOWS you their character, believe them. Not everyone on the planet likes you.  You don't have to like everyone on the planet. Failure is not the end of the world. Sometimes, you do need a day or two or three off. No really, keep reading books and learning.  Not everyone wants to change, so don't make them. If what they're doing seems silly to you, focus on yourself instead.  Your path looks radically different than others, so don't compare.  Don't be envious of others' successes. Focus on your wins, no matter how big or small.  Sometimes, that thing you've always wanted and didn't get may be the biggest gift EVER. Go with the flow, no matter how badly you want to control the situation....