Tea Is A Good Friend of Mine - Celia Carmen Aceae
Here's another great interview - meet Celia Carmen Aceae! What’s your name and what part of the world do you live in? Hi! My name is Celia Carmen Aceae and I live in Montreal, QC, Canada How long have you been drinking tea? What’s the story, morning glory? I’ve been drinking tea since I can remember. In my house, we never drank water and there was no rule against children consuming caffeine at all! I’ve only recently realized that the reason my sister and I were always labeled as crazy, wild and hyper at school, was probably because my mom sent us to class every day with a giant jug of tea. We were constantly caffeinated! Tea also means more than just Camellia sinensis for me. I’ve been reading about medicinal herbs since I was eight. My mother forbade all forms of medication in our household, so I learned at a young age how to cure small ailments with plants and tisanes. My sister was very prone to headaches and anytime she started to get one, I would hop on my ...