Candy With a Purpose

While strolling through Hong Kong Market in Gretna, Louisiana several weeks ago, I stumbled across this package of goodies - Citrus Green Tea Candy from Bali's Best of Fusion Gourmet! At first, I was kinda doubtful as to trying this candy - it's really easy to slap a flavour on some food item and the taste is far from the description. However, in finally trying some today . . . WOW! The candy literally tastes like iced sweet green tea with lemon. I dumped all of the candy in my bag because I know I'll be eating more of them very soon.

I looked up Fusion Gourmet and learned that they support and donate to organizations that provide assistance to women and children, as well as "provide employment, education, and health care opportunities to a largely female workforce in Indonesia" (taken from their website). Kudos to them for doing such good works while making such delicious items! I'm always on the lookout for the strange and not-so-unusual uses of Tea and this candy is something I will be purchasing more of in the future. Not only do they have the Citrus Green flavour, but they also have Green Tea Latte and Classic Iced Tea flavours! And for you coffee lovers, they DO have coffee and espresso candy as well! 

Much thanks to Fusion Gourmet!

Much Love and Oolong Tea!


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