Gotta Love the Tea Culture


I remember how a guy I once knew told me that Tea was nothing more than "tepid salad water" and that not everyone drinks Tea. We aren't friends anymore. I know that Tea isn't for everyone, yet it IS the second most consumed beverage on the planet, right after water. Go figure. When I made the switch from coffee to Tea (and somewhat back again!), I learned that many countries have some form of Tea culture or practice in their everyday lives. From ceremonies to samovars, from gaiwans to French presses - we all brew righteously. I tend to associate Tea with slowing down, conversing with others, meditating, connecting to the world, and a desire to view the world with a different perspective. When Autumn and Winter arrive on our doorsteps, the thought of being curled up with a blanket with a cup of Tea and a good book sounds divine. I tend to do that all year long, but that's just me!

The first time I attended a tea festival, I geeked out big time. To be surrounded by fellow Tea lovers, companies, and educators was too much for my senses. I even saw Tea cosplay! I miss being able to attend them since the pandemic hit and I really hope that they will return in a tangible form soon. A Tea festival mostly consists of vendors from all over the country (or world), classes and workshops regarding the Tea industry, and even other events like meditation sessions, Tea Ceremonies, and the like. Even if you are a novice, Tea festivals are a great way to get introduced to the camellia sinensis; everyone is there to drink Tea, learn something new, possibly make new friends, and just enjoy some comradery. I remember when I attended the Midwest Tea Festival, I consumed so much Tea that I started sweating and giggling. I think I saw Time as well, but I'm not sure. 

Now . . . .attending an Expo is something completely different! I'm happy to say that I've attended the World Tea Expo twice and I hope to volunteer for them this year. Attending an Expo means that for several days, you are inundated with Tea! Tea companies handing out samples and business cards for networking, in depth classes for those who work in the industry, plus championship contests, concerts, and lectures - an expo feels like attending a Tea university! Although the World Tea Expo is closed to the general public, you still have the chance to immerse yourself into various Tea cultures. It was quite a thrill to hear so many different languages spoken around me, all the while knowing that nearly everyone was talking about Tea! 

Whenever I would have someone over or I met with someone in a coffeeshop, Tea was always between us. The flow of the liquid carried our conversations through and enhanced what would be spoken between us. I also enjoy drinking Tea during my Tea Teacher classes with my cohorts. Although our classes are through Zoom, I feel as though we are all in the same room, sipping our myriad of blends, and just enjoying the fact that we all love Tea. To me, it's like a meditation and I always leave our Zoom chats refreshed and ready to embrace the day. 

Do you have any Tea practices that you'd like to share? Perhaps you drink Tea while writing, or reading thick books, or while listening to music? Does your Tea taste better with friends or when you are alone? Even though we are still in the middle of this pandemic, have you been able to meet up with friends over Tea? Perhaps your Tea Time has evolved to Zoom friendly? I'm working on both learning and creating Tea Ceremonies through the pandemic and I look forward to share very soon! Whatever you do, I hope you still enjoy it and that it still gives you what you need. I think that all of us are connected in many ways and Tea definitely is one of them. 


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