Tea Adventure - Cloudstream


It's been too long since I had a Tea Adventure - here we go! This time, I'm traveling to Taiwan to sample a green tea called Cloudstream, thanks to the wondrous tea and Taoist organization Global Tea Hut. If you sign up for a subscription, you will receive a magazine and a tin of tea every month. Now that my life is (somewhat) slowing down here in Colorado, I have more time to enjoy my collected teas thus far. 

Cloudstream Green Tea comes from Zhu Shan, Nantou, Taiwan. I love oolongs from Taiwan, so I knew that I was going to enjoy Cloudstream as well. When I sniffed the tea leaves in the tin, the scent reminded me of cool rainwater being poured over a fresh melon - a faint reminder of Spring as we enter Autumn. In brewing the tea, I let it steep for a little over 3 minutes and then poured a cup for myself and the Viridian Tea Company Director of Art, James:

When I had my first and subsequent sips of Cloudstream, the taste reminded me of a rainy day in April. The tea "felt" as though I could drink it all day and not feel heavy while doing so. When James had his first sip, he said that while it smelled like a hayfield in August, the tea was too light for him to get a distinct flavour. Cloudstream is a perfect name for this tea - light, airy, and a feeling of Spring. I have enough tea left over in the tin to brew on another day when I need a light pick me up. I also think that this green tea would be good when I'm feeling a bit low. You can't help but feel lighter when you drink Cloudstream.

Much thanks to Global Tea Hut, as always, and I look forward to drinking more of your tea!


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