Adventures With My Tea Muse - ENEMY Part Two


(Before I get to the story, I wanted to give apologies for not updating my blog sooner. It's been hectic with my main job and we are right in the middle of the holiday season. Okay, back to the story!)

Me: (watching Tea Muse glance out of the window every so often) I have a feeling this is going to be quite the tale. How about if I make us some tea? (Tea Muse doesn't reply but merely nods her head yes) Okay, I'll be right back. 


Me: (handing her a cup of tea, then sitting down in my chair with my own cup) 

Tea Muse: (takes a long sip from her cup, then sighs) Have you ever had a nemesis? Someone who made destroying your life their reason for getting up in the morning?

Me: (looking into my cup, then looking at her) No. 

Tea Muse: Well, you're lucky. Don't laugh but before I became your best friend, I used to do something completely different . . . I used to fight crime!

Me: (sputtering tea all over me) Wait, wait, what? You used to fight crime? What were you, some kind of vigilante like a certain Caped Crusader? (really trying not to laugh)

Tea Muse: (finishes her tea and then watches her mug refill) You can joke all you like, but it's true! Once upon a time, I used to be known as The Leaf! I would fight crime on behalf of all imaginary and otherworldly creatures who couldn't defend themselves. My war cry used to be - STEEEEEP!

Me: (saying nothing and wishing I had vodka instead of tea)

Tea Muse: One day, I got word about a new villain in the area, a flesh and blood man who was on the hunt for ME! I asked around and found out that he went by the name of The Bean. This man, this . . .thing, was fueled by his love of coffee and nothing else! Wherever we went, he always left behind a trail of caffeine-inspired devastation. I knew that it was up to me to find him and give him the full arm of the law. 

Me: (now riveted) Okay, okay, so what happened next? Details!

Tea Muse: I learned about his hideout one night and decided to track him down. When I arrived, it seemed that he had planned the entire thing, right down to the "clues" for me to follow. He ambushed me, tied me up, and then did the typical "let me tell you everything before I remove you" scenario.

Me: AND???

Tea Muse: And . . . you gotta wait until the next installment! Sorry!


Try the tea blends of Viridian Tea Company - Tea Blends for the Strange and Unusual!

Click HERE for the Etsy store link!

(Power of Art Herbal Tisane - what would an art museum taste like?)


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