Adventures With My Muses - Happy World Goth Day!


Me: (grinning like an idiot) Guess what today is?!

Tea Muse: Ummmm, well yesterday was International Tea Day . . . . 

Frederica: (checking her calendar) It's nothing violin-related, right?

Me: NO! It's World Goth Day! Woot! Time to let my Elder Goth ways run wild! Just like every other day! Har har!

Tea Muse: Heck yeah! I had no idea this was a day! 

Frederica: (grinning like a wild woman) Did you know that it ALL began with the song Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus in a BRITISH club called The Bat Cave? And that most of the Goth bands during the first wave were BRITISH? And that I simply adore Siouxsie and the Banshees???

Tea Muse: Wow. Had no idea you were into Goth, Freddie. I thought you were all into Classical music, not that there's anything wrong with that!

Frederica: Oh my. So you two think I'm always such a fuddy-duddy, right? Be right back! (runs to her room and slams the door)

Tea Muse: Why am I suddenly scared?

Me: (laughing) Scared of Frederica? Wow, that's something I never expected from you!

Frederica: (returning in a huff and grinning as she shows off her Johnny the Homicidal Maniac shirt) I've had this shirt forever. 

Me: Wow . . . you like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac???? That just made you even cooler than before!

Tea Muse: Hey, why are we just sitting around? Crank up the music! Oh, let's play the new album by The Bellwether Syndicate!

I pop in the new CD and we start dancing in the living room. . . .

James: (coming out of his office) Let me guess . . . World Goth Day, right?

Me: (still dancing and sweating) Oh, go clean the cobwebs from the attic! (actual dance move!)


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