The Art of Tea - Photography

No two photographers are alike in their style and handling of a subject matter. While some tend to go full artistic, others will hand you a heavy dose of gritty realism. Still others seem to take their works from a dream (or nightmare) with a professional grace and style. 

So what has photography got to do with Tea? A lot, actually, especially in the world of a Tea Junkie. Tea can become something much more through the eyes of an artist, musician, photographer, ballet dancer, a farmer, and others. Tea in its many forms holds a timeless beauty; to capture one aspect of it to share with others is priceless. The appreciation for Tea can grow if one is exposed to its many (and there are many!) sides. I recently asked photographer David Lee Black for any work of his that possibly fell within the realm of Tea and well . . . . Enjoy some of his Tea work below and also click on his name to see (and purchase!) his other work. 

My Tea company (Viridian Tea Company) also has a special Tea blend called The Art of Photography - currently sold out but if interested, please send an email to and you'll be notified when the blend is back in stock!

"Tea" - from the first issue of Tea Junkie Magazine

(from my Tea Meditation book - much thanks to David for being my arm model)


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