Some of My Best Friends Drink Coffee!


(random photo taken by me)

For a long time in my life, I was a coffee addict. Give me the cuppa and no one gets hurt! I worked in several cafes in bookstores and every time, I loved brewing and smelling the coffee and espresso. I never got tired of it. In fact, I remember when I made a 14 shot drink for a guy I was dating. He's still alive. When I traded the bookstore and cafe world for the corporate cubicle world, my coffee intake increased due to the exposure of fancy creamers. I loved my coffee with Hazelnut creamer, or French Vanilla, or Italian Sweet Cream . . . 

One day, I read an article about the benefits of drinking green tea. At the time, I thought that tea would taste like hay. Yet, I decided to try green tea anyway. I remembered that it was Celestial Seasonings Green Tea with Raspberry. When I drank it, my mind exploded and quieted down at the same time. I consumed more and more tea and then made the decision to do away with coffee all together. One caffeinated co-worker of mine thought I was crazy for leaving coffee, yet I wanted to fully embrace my newfound tea ways. For the first week, the headaches were intense and I think I growled at everyone who came near me. Soon, the calming effects of tea took over and I was content. The rest, as they say, is history.

I drank only tea for years and was quite happy, until I drank a cup at work due to me being so stressed out from the morning commute. It tasted horrible . . . and yet so familiar. When I moved to New Orleans, I found myself re-enjoying the tastes of the cafe au lait and Community Coffee alongside my devotion to tea. In moving to Colorado, I resumed my coffee drinking with my boyfriend AND explore other kinds of tea with him. Since we both work from home, he brews the coffee and I brew the tea. Sometimes, we switch. It works out quite nicely. 

I have no beef against coffee lovers; in fact, I stand tall and proud with my fellow espresso lovers! I also link arms with my Matcha brothers and sisters and will defend to the death the right to enjoy a cup of genmaicha! When I embraced tea, I thought that I could only have one drink passion in life. I was wrong. Enjoy all the things as much as you want because it's your life and your desires. Drink up!

However . . . don't get me started on hot chocolate. That's my BFF.



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