Tea for the New Year

It's 4:19 PM and I'm listening to Billie Holliday while typing away on my laptop. Yes, I'm still in Colorado. Yes, I'm still self employed (and somewhat broke!). Yes, I'm drinking Tea (Lipton's Green Tea with Passionfruit, Jasmine, and Orange). Yes, it's a new year. Yes, it's snowing outside. Again. 

Rather than write some Tea review, I wanted to instead write a little essay. Hope you don't mind. Ever since I left New Orleans for Colorado and the mountains, I've been dancing from day to day, all the while wondering just what in the hell was about to happen next. In being self-employed, it's been both a freeing and scary experience, sometimes feeling both emotions in the same day or even hour. There have been days when I wanted to quit and return to the corporate world. Find a nice cubicle and hide from my creative side. Never look at tea or writing or photography again. And every time I played with that idea, something would bop me on the head, causing me to look around and love my world again. I fell in love every time I want to walk away. As I'm always fond of saying - I never let go of my katana, no matter how many times I fell down. I never gave up.

This year has already proven to be better than last year - hard at work in my Judaism classes and the path of eventually converting to Reform Judaism; two more classes to go before I am a certified Tea Teacher (thanks to Being Tea!); finishing up manuscripts for both my publisher and my self publishing ways; taking photos of this strange new world called Colorado and loving that Andrew Wyeth has been inspiring me; coming up with new Tea blends that will appease not only my repeat customers but also entice new ones to try Viridian Tea Company; and meditating every day, thanks to Insight Timer. I'm now at the point where I look forward to slowing down for 10-20 minutes and just BEing. Ya know, breathe in and out, let the thoughts just fly by, and remember that thou art mortal.  

As a soon to be 47 year old eccentric woman, I have to ask myself the question - WHY? Why do all of this? Why is Tea still a part of my life? And the answer is: because it just is. Because Tea gave me a new life. To sit in a quiet room with a good book (currently reading The Flea Palace by Elif Shafak) and a cup of Tea while jazz plays in the background - that's my happy place. Coming up with blends and using ingredients that convey a book, a painting, a song, a feeling - that's my happy place. Sharing nature photos, poetry, or snippets through social media - that's my happy place. And with all of these happy places comes the thought: I'm not doing this for anyone. No approval from anyone. Just being me and doing what I love. 

I wish you a fantastic 2021, one day at a time. If you've been thinking of taking that online art class, go for it! If you've been meaning to reach out to that friend you haven't spoken with in years, go for it! Embrace your life, no matter what form it takes, and enjoy a cup of Tea with friends or by yourself. 



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