Well Being - Fiction


Tell me something new about yourself, he asked her. Tell me something you'd never tell anyone else. She frowned as she tried to come up with something to tell him. What's wrong, he asked. Nothing, she replied, it's just that I can't come up with anything to tell you. You know everything about me. She leaned back in her chair and watched a small breeze play through the tree in his front yard. When we first met, he stated, you wanted to live a different life. One that wasn't filled with constant worrying. Now that you've grown up and taken control, you're no longer the timid woman I met. She ran a hand through her long red hair as she turned to face him. Well, she began, I'm no longer listening to idiots. I listen to myself and what's good for my well-being. He cocked an eyebrow while a smile appeared on his face. How's that going for you, he asked. You're the last one, she replied with a smile as she got up and walked away. 


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