Conversation - Fiction


It's really hard sometimes, she told me over coffee, to simply be. When I didn't reply she added - look at how the world is these days. Social media tells us what to do, how to think, what to wear, who to like and hate. Yet, she paused as she sipped on her coffee, the world doesn't care. That's the grand cosmic joke. I looked at her as though she had spoken such an incredible truth. The world, for all of its inhabitants yelling and screaming at each other, doesn't really care about us. I raised my coffee to my lips, only to lower the cup as I replied - then do people care about what others think? She smiled and winked and I knew that whatever she had to say next, I could only take lightly. Or perhaps not. We must create a delicate balance, she replied, between being narcissistic assholes and giving of ourselves so much that we have nothing left. You can take care of yourself AND help others, but one should not be greater than the other. She finished off her coffee and then said - and what do you think about what I've told you? I stared into my coffee cup, watched the liquid slowly swirl around, and then replied - I just want to be mindful of my breathing. Best answer I've heard all day, she answered with a smile as she stood up to leave. It's was nice talking with you, she said and then walked away. I watched her leave the cafe and walk down the street as a thought entered my head - in all of our time talking, she never told me her name. 

Viridian Tea Company - Tea Blends for the Strange and Unusual!

(Power of Art Herbal Tisane)


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