Lesson Learned - FRIENDSHIP

Having friends in your life is quite important. They can be a source of advice, comfort, laughter, good times, and a silent yet trustworthy partner. Yet, I learned some time ago that not everyone you call a friend SHOULD be a friend. For example, I've known people whose main purpose was to gaslight and deceive. Perhaps they were the ones who would only be your friend if you did things for them that they could do for themselves. Or, there were those who were only in my life to get me to make a change and then suddenly disappear. I used to wonder why those kinds of people were in my life until I realized that they were fulfilling a purpose that I didn't understand until years later. They were the ones who were the catalysts to bring about change. They were the ones who broke me free from my comfort zones and forced me to see a new side of Life. I read somewhere that everyone you meet is either a blessing or a lesson. It didn't dawn on me until recently that that statement was quite true. True friends are the ones who you can go for days, weeks, or months at a time and not talk with them, yet when you reconnect with them it's as though that time passed didn't exist. One of my dearest friends came into my life after I accidentally threw a box on her head in college. I've lost people that I thought were friends and it bothered me. However, I took a deep breath and listened to the quiet voice inside as it said - their time with you is over for now. Don't mourn it or chase after it. And so, I haven't. Perhaps our paths will cross again yet if they don't, I am fine with that. Friends will come and go, yet always remember to stay true to yourself. 

Lesson learned. 


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