Adventures With My Muses - Meditation

Tea Muse 


Me: (listening to the sounds of birds in my office while writing)

Frederica: (sitting on a cushion with eyes closed as she's also listening to the birds)

Tea Muse: (looking at both of us while floating in midair) Have you two reached enlightenment yet?

Me and Frederica: Shhhh.

Tea Muse: (grumbling) Fine, I guess I'll meditate too. (sits in a crosslegged position in midair and closes her eyes) 

The birds chirp for another ten minutes, then the session ends with a light tap on a piece of wood. 

Me: (looking at my journal) Another good session of journaling!

Frederica: (opening her eyes and stretching) Another good session of breathwork!

Tea Muse: (quiet and still in her meditation pose)

Me: Hey, we're done with - 

Tea Muse: Shhhh. Not done yet.

Frederica: (shrugging) I guess it's her turn to be enlightened. 

Tea Muse: (sighing) Senchaaa.......



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