Lesson Learned - Hello 2024
Hello, 2024! It's good to see you after enduring the ups and downs of 2023. Wow, that was some year. But, here you are, ready to go and ready to show us what you've got in store. I've been doing some thinking, meditating, and journaling, and I've come up with some plans of my own. No resolutions but more just reminders about not only this new year but also my life:
Meditation has been a good friend to me for quite some time. I remember how the first time I did it, I thought that it was kooky. Once I completed my first session (listening to Cory Muscara), I felt something I had never felt before - a moment of slowing down and reflecting. When I decided to make a huge shift in my life, meditation came with me, held my hand, and said - you've got this. I'm here for you, but you've got this. My meditation practice has taken on new forms, but the message is still the same: get back to the breath.
Holding onto regrets doesn't do anyone any good. I have several regrets, one of them being kinda big, yet instead of me looking at what could have been with sorrowful eyes, I figure out a way to handle (or perhaps remove) that regret. One of my regrets is that I didn't visit the National Gallery of Art when I lived in Washington DC. I handled that regret by following the museum on social media. I am still able to view the beautiful works of art, albeit from a virtual point of view.
Letting go of the past is easier said than done. I've had people tell me, "just let go", as if it was that easy. With the way that my brain is wired, I know hot coals are burning my hands, yet I refuse to put them down because I am still angry at the fact that someone(s) gave me those coals in the past. However, instead of getting angry, ignoring the problem, or just avoiding it altogether, I am facing the reasons why I can't let go. Day by day, I am learning to make peace with the past and to understand that yes, I made mistakes. Yes, I listened to people I should not have. And yes, I am moving forward on my two feet and making progress. The coals are slowly but surely being dropped.
Being a small business owner can be tough. I don't get sales every day and sometimes, I hate looking at my checking account. Yet, it's not so much about the money as it is about not giving up. Changes are in effect and I am hoping that they will assist with my business. If not, then I will try something else. I believe in my tea company and my books, for they are representatives of my passions and what I believe in. Instead of screaming that it's too hard, I will hunker down and carry on. People have told me how much they enjoy my tea blends and books and I am grateful for it. I learned quite recently that approaching any matter from a sense of desperation will NOT work. Stand tall and true.
All through my life, I've had people tell me what I should and should not be doing. I learned that this is MY life, not theirs. if they have a problem with what I do, that's on them. As long as I am not hurting myself or anyone, I will continue to do it. If I want to learn about Vivaldi, the history of Korean tea ceremonies, or knitting, I will engage in those hobbies because I am fascinated with the world and what it has to offer. I am not doing any of what I do just to please others who really don't care. Live your life and embrace who you are.
Moving to Colorado has been a big lesson for me. I'm seeing that the world is bigger and more complex than we give it credit for. I still get caught up in mindlessly scrolling on my phone and when I realize this, I put down the phone and read a book, go for a walk, talk with my boyfriend, talk with friends, meditate, journal, anything! There's so much to do in this world and we are not limited unless we place limitations on us. See the world, or just see your part of it.
I will be 50 in February and yikes! However, this is a good time to take a pause and see where I've come from and where I am headed. I am grateful to be alive and I will not treat that gift like shit. I am here.
So, 2024, that's all I've got for you and for myself. I hope you're ready. Let's do this.
Lesson Ready to Learn!
Viridian Tea Company - Tea, Books, Art, & Photography!
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