Two Worlds - Fiction


A corporate woman with a heart of an eccentric girl. She enjoyed her purple lipstick, her cherry blossom combat boots, and her no nonsense attitude.

She sat in her cubicle while a framed picture of Miles Davis stared at her. She remembered what it meant to not give a fuck. And she still felt that way.

Books were her escape. Books gave her comfort when she realized that the world had long ago turned its back on her. Words, staining pages, leapt out at her.

Clove cigarettes, dancing to Siouxsie, and not worrying about the time. Here and now was her rule and even many years later, it was still her creed.

She shut down her corporate laptop and left for the day, while the sounds of Garbage permeated her senses. She entered the elevator, watched the doors slowly close, and then began to dance.


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